
MFA Brown Art is an anti-institution that focuses on filling gaps that schools and non-profit arts institutions overlook or antagonize. We directly fund and support Black, Brown, and Queer artists and practitioners without tokenizing or expecting free labor. This summer in June 2019 MFA Brown Art will be temporarily housed on Governors Island as a part of The School of Visual Arts’ residency program.

MFA Brown Art is a position that recognizes the cultural knowledge that Brown makers bring into institutional spaces and is an attempt to remunerate Brown Artists for the labor we are forced to perform in them. Brown Artists bring alternative art histories and invaluable cultural traditions into western institutional spaces. Brown identity is not a flattening socio-political entity but rather a deepening of space for individual narratives.

Brown identities are unstable, complex, and unique. MFA Brown Art acknowledges the contradictions and conflicts within an identity based project and intends to create a welcoming space for all.

In MFA Brown Art Brownness includes and supports Native and Indigenous peoples.

In MFA Brown Art Brownness includes and supports Blackness.

In MFA Brown Art Brownness includes and supports LGBTQIA peoples.

Above all MFA Brown Art intends to be transparent, fluid, and non-institutional.

MFA Brown Art will only exist for as long as it is necessary.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to MFA Brown Art click here :)